
Dimension of the boomed
Dimension of the boomed

  • ‘The windowpanes rattled, and the girls could feel the subsonic boom of a bomb exploding.’.
  • ‘But around 8: 30 I heard something different: big booms and dull thumps.’.
  • ‘Right on cue, a resounding boom rolled throughout the school, followed by distant cheers.’.
  • ‘My heart froze, skipped a beat, and then began to go boom boom boom.’.
  • ‘And finally you hear nothing but boom boom boom boom, and all the whooping.’.
  • ‘It was new, but it was back to that disco beat for me: boom boom boom boom.’.
  • ‘For a gang who loves strings and builds and sweeping vocals, the monotonous boom boom boom was a disappointment.’.
  • ‘He said: ‘Suddenly I heard boom boom boom boom boom and heard an officer shout ‘man down, man down’.’’.
  • ‘They sat in a thoughtful moment before a boom of thunder sounded and Jane jumped.’.
  • ‘A thunderous boom suddenly sounded from miles away, accompanied by a miniscule quake.’.
  • ‘Far above us, the grey clouds got sick of threatening and decided to act, and a hollow boom of thunder sounded.’.
  • ‘It sounded like a boom, it sounded actually like a big bomb.’.
  • ‘Without warning, a loud boom resounded from the city.’.
  • ‘But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.’.
  • ‘Lightly she tapped on the wooden door to hear the deep boom of her father's voice tell her to enter.’.
  • ‘At that moment the deep boom of the great brass bell reverberated through the monastery.’.
  • ‘The deep boom of a gong echoed through the room, and the gathered students fell silent.’.
  • ‘As they drew closer to Sara's there was a loud boom and a cracking sound.’.
  • ‘I heard someone yell as a loud boom sounded behind them.’.
  • ‘There was a deep boom, then the sound of rending metal and breaking glass, and still it didn't stop.’.
  • * The vertex count without the effect of node building is 3131. The records for the map at the Doomed Speed Demos Archive are:

    dimension of the boomed

    Speedrunning Routes and tricks Current records There are no official secrets on this map.

    dimension of the boomed dimension of the boomed

    Essentials Other points of interest Secrets Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally. Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map.

    Dimension of the boomed